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The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava has the status of an Forensic Institute based on the decision of the Minister of Justice of the Czech Republic JUDr. Pavel Rychetský, dated July 23, 2002, under reference number M-1009/2002 and upon the decision of the Minister of Justice JUDr. Daniela Kovářová, dated 28 April 2010, under reference 102/2010-OD-ZN. The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava is registered in the list of institutes qualified for expert activities - Section II in the fields of design, construction and economics with the scope of expert authorization for:


Civil engineering, industrial and urban construction, civil engineering, geotechnical and traffic engineering, mining and underground construction, rock engineering, construction theory, mining and geotechnics, building materials and building diagnostics.

Civil Engineering

Construction, industrial and urban construction, civil engineering, geotechnical and traffic engineering, mining and underground construction, rock engineering, construction theory, mining and geotechnics, building materials and building diagnostics.