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Code Title Type of study Language of instruction
221-0201/01 Actions on Building Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0201/02 Actions on Building Structures Bachelor English
221-0201/03 Actions on Building Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0201/04 Actions on Building Structures Bachelor English
221-0926/01 Actions on Building Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0926/02 Actions on Building Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0208/01 BIM Modelling of Constructions Bachelor Czech
221-0208/02 BIM Modelling of Constructions Bachelor English
221-0006/03 Branch excursion Bachelor Czech
221-0938/02 Composite Structures of Bridges and Building Constructions Doctoral Czech
221-0938/03 Composite Structures of Bridges and Building Constructions Doctoral English
221-0036/11 Concrete and Masonry Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0036/12 Concrete and Masonry Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0203/01 Concrete and Masonry Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0203/02 Concrete and Masonry Structures Bachelor English
221-0203/03 Concrete and Masonry Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0203/04 Concrete and Masonry Structures Bachelor English
221-0314/01 Concrete and Masonry Structures in Sustainable Engineering Follow-up Master Czech
221-0305/01 Concrete Bridges Follow-up Master Czech
221-0305/02 Concrete Bridges Follow-up Master English
221-0003/07 Concrete Structures Follow-up Master Czech
221-0003/08 Concrete Structures Follow-up Master Czech
221-0304/01 Concrete Structures Follow-up Master Czech
221-0304/02 Concrete Structures Follow-up Master English
221-0939/02 Concrete Structures Doctoral Czech
221-0939/03 Concrete Structures Doctoral English
221-0059/10 Concrete Structures Elements Bachelor Czech
221-0059/12 Concrete Structures Elements Bachelor Czech
221-0202/01 Concrete Structures Elements Bachelor Czech
221-0202/02 Concrete Structures Elements Bachelor English
221-0942/02 Constructions in Undermined Areas Doctoral Czech
221-0942/03 Constructions in Undermined Areas Doctoral English
221-0206/01 Constructions of Bridge Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0206/02 Constructions of Bridge Structures Bachelor English
221-0934/01 Constructions of Bridge Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0934/02 Constructions of Bridge Structures Bachelor English
221-0315/01 Diploma theses Follow-up Master Czech
221-0311/01 Diploma thesis Follow-up Master Czech
221-0311/02 Diploma thesis Follow-up Master English
221-0204/01 Elements of Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0204/02 Elements of Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor English
221-0204/03 Elements of Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0204/04 Elements of Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor English
221-0927/01 Elements of Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0927/04 Elements of Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0210/01 Excursion Bachelor Czech
221-0210/02 Excursion Bachelor English
221-0941/02 Fire Resistance of Building Structures Doctoral Czech
221-0941/03 Fire Resistance of Building Structures Doctoral English
221-0011/01 Fire Safety Buildings Bachelor Czech
221-0011/02 Fire Safety Buildings Bachelor English
221-0943/02 Foundation Constructions Doctoral Czech
221-0943/03 Foundation Constructions Doctoral English
221-0209/01 Industrial and Technological Buildings Bachelor Czech
221-0209/02 Industrial and Technological Buildings Bachelor English
221-0404/01 Masonry and Composite Structures Doctoral Czech
221-0404/02 Masonry and Composite Structures Doctoral English
221-0935/02 Masonry and Composite Structures Doctoral Czech
221-0935/03 Masonry and Composite Structures Doctoral English
221-0004/01 Masonry structures Bachelor Czech
221-0004/02 Masonry structures Bachelor English
221-0207/01 Masonry Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0207/02 Masonry Structures Bachelor English
221-0401/01 Metal and composite structures Doctoral Czech
221-0401/02 Metal and composite structures Doctoral English
221-0303/01 Metal and Timber Structures Follow-up Master Czech
221-0303/02 Metal and Timber Structures Follow-up Master English
221-0945/06 Metal and Timber Structures Master
Follow-up Master
221-0945/08 Metal and Timber Structures Follow-up Master Czech
221-0937/02 Metal Structures of Bridges Doctoral Czech
221-0937/03 Metal Structures of Bridges Doctoral English
221-0936/02 Metal Structures of Building and Technological Constructions Doctoral Czech
221-0936/03 Metal Structures of Building and Technological Constructions Doctoral English
221-0308/01 Precast Concrete Structures Follow-up Master Czech
221-0308/02 Precast Concrete Structures Follow-up Master English
221-0302/01 Prestressed Concrete Follow-up Master Czech
221-0302/02 Prestressed Concrete Follow-up Master English
221-0944/02 Prestressed Concrete Doctoral Czech
221-0944/03 Prestressed Concrete Doctoral English
221-0405/01 Reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Doctoral Czech
221-0405/02 Reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Doctoral English
221-0307/01 Selected Topics from Steel and Timber Structures Follow-up Master Czech
221-0307/02 Selected Topics from Steel and Timber Structures Follow-up Master English
221-0310/01 Static Assessment Automatization Follow-up Master Czech
221-0310/02 Static Assessment Automatization Follow-up Master English
221-0008/03 Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0008/06 Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0008/07 Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0205/01 Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor Czech
221-0205/02 Steel and Timber Structures Bachelor English
221-0313/01 Steel and Timber Structures in Sustainable Engineering Follow-up Master Czech
221-0306/01 Steel Bridges Follow-up Master Czech
221-0306/02 Steel Bridges Follow-up Master English
221-0301/01 Structural Fire Design Follow-up Master Czech
221-0301/02 Structural Fire Design Follow-up Master English
221-0402/01 Structures exposed to the effects of extreme loads Doctoral Czech
221-0402/02 Structures exposed to the effects of extreme loads Doctoral English
221-0406/01 Subsoil-Structure Interaction Doctoral Czech
221-0406/02 Subsoil-Structure Interaction Doctoral English
221-0940/02 Thermal Analysis of Structures Doctoral Czech
221-0940/03 Thermal Analysis of Structures Doctoral English
221-0309/01 Timber bridges Follow-up Master Czech
221-0309/02 Timber bridges Follow-up Master English
221-0403/01 Timber structures Doctoral Czech
221-0403/02 Timber structures Doctoral English
221-0964/02 Timber Structures Doctoral Czech
221-0964/03 Timber Structures Doctoral English