The department cooperates with the following foreign universities and research institutions in the field of pedagogy, in the field of solution and preparation of scientific research projects and in the field of expert activities.
- Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
- University of Žilina
- Technical University of Košice, Faculty of BERG
- Silesian University of Technology, Poland
- Silesian University in Katowice, Poland
- University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal
- AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
- University of Zittau, Germany
- Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Universitatea Technica de Constructii Bucuresti, Romania
- Czech-German Scientific Research Institute WSDTI, Hamburg, Germany
- British Geological Survery, United Kingdom
- Technical Univeristy Delft, The Netherlands
- Instytut Techniki Gorniczej Komag, Poland
- Glowny Instytut Gornictwa, Poland
- Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
- International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria
- International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training, Taiwan
- Feng Chia University, GIS Research Center, Taiwan