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Code Title Type of study
224-0945/02 Advanced building technologies of geotechnical constructions and structures Doctoral
224-0944/02 Advanced methods of building foundation Doctoral
224-0942/02 Advanced methods of geotechnical problems modeling Doctoral
224-0949/02 Advanced problems of underground construction Doctoral
224-0904/04 Applied Geomechanics Doctoral
224-0219/04 Bachelor ´s Thesis Bachelor
224-0260/02 Basics of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Bachelor
224-0263/02 BIM Bachelor
224-0261/02 Blasting operation and rock disintegration Bachelor
224-0258/02 Case Studies of Geotechnical Constructions Follow-up Master
224-0059/02 Civil Engineering Geology Bachelor
224-0241/02 Computer aided design of geotechnical structures Bachelor
224-0254/02 Design of Underground Constructions Follow-up Master
224-0256/02 Diploma Seminar Follow-up Master
224-0270/02 Diploma thesis Follow-up Master
224-0947/02 Earthquake engineering Doctoral
224-0903/04 Engineering Geology Doctoral
224-0255/02 Environmental and energy geotechnics Follow-up Master
224-0919/04 Environmental Geotechnics Doctoral
224-0938/02 Environmental Problems in Geotechnics Doctoral
224-0950/02 Environmental Problems in Geotechnics Doctoral
224-0239/02 Excavation and Supporting of Underground Constructions Bachelor
224-0946/02 Experimental methods of study of physical behavior of geomaterials Doctoral
224-0264/02 Field Trip Bachelor
224-0271/02 Field Trip Follow-up Master
224-0907/04 Foundation Engineering Doctoral
224-0208/02 Foundation Engineering in Difficult Conditions Bachelor
224-0061/02 Foundation enginering Bachelor
224-0940/02 Geodynamics Doctoral
224-0248/02 Geohydrodynamics Follow-up Master
224-0937/02 Geomaterial engineering Doctoral
224-0936/02 Geomechanics Doctoral
224-0943/02 Geomonitoring and reversal analysis Doctoral
224-0922/04 Geophysical survey methods Doctoral
224-0226/02 Geotechnical Constructions Bachelor
224-0268/02 Geotechnical Laboratory Bachelor
224-0267/02 Geotechnical monitoring Bachelor
224-0209/03 Geotechnical Monitoring Follow-up Master
224-0941/02 Geotechnical risks Doctoral
224-0915/04 Geotechnics and Geotechnical Constructions Doctoral
224-0058/02 GG Bachelor
224-0924/04 Hydrogeology and Dewatering Doctoral
224-0909/04 Improvement of Rocks and Soils Doctoral
224-0275/02 Investigation Methods in Geotechnical Engineering Follow-up Master
224-0926/02 Mathematical and physical modelling in geotechnics Doctoral
224-0220/02 Mechanics of Underground Structures Follow-up Master
224-0916/04 Mechanics of Underground Structures Doctoral
224-0939/02 Modeling of hydraulic and transport processes in the geosphere Doctoral
224-0272/02 Modelling in Geotechnics Follow-up Master
224-0929/02 Modelling of hydrogeological processes Doctoral
224-0948/02 Modern methods of geophysical investigation Doctoral
224-0906/04 Monitoring and Back Analyses in Geotechnical Engineering Doctoral
224-0262/02 Project Bachelor
224-0205/02 Rock and Soil Improvement Bachelor
Follow-up Master
224-0265/02 Rock and Soil Improvement Bachelor
224-0060/02 Rock and Soil Mechanics Bachelor
224-0063/02 Rock and Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Bachelor
224-0928/02 Rock mechanics Doctoral
224-0913/04 Seismic loads of structures Doctoral
224-0273/02 Shaft Sinking and Unconventional Methods of the Excavation of Underground Construction Follow-up Master
224-0905/04 Slopes Stability and Slides Doctoral
224-0927/02 Soil Mechanics Doctoral
224-0218/04 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Bachelor
224-0253/04 Surveying in Tunnel Construction Bachelor
224-0274/02 Technical Blasting and Their Impacts Follow-up Master
224-0902/04 Theoretical Geomechanics Doctoral
224-0925/04 The stability of foundations and foundation pits Doctoral
224-0229/02 Underground and Geotechnical Constructions Bachelor
Follow-up Master
224-0269/02 Underground constructions Bachelor
224-0231/06 Underground Engineering Follow-up Master
224-0914/04 Underground Engineering Doctoral