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- diagnostics of airtightness of building envelope
- measurement of airtightness of building envelope by Blower Door Minneapolis
- leak detection of building envelope by Airflow anemometer
- acoustic and noise measurements with Brüel & Kjær
- measurement of airborne sound insulation of both internal and external structures
- measurement of impact sound insulation of ceiling structures
- measurement of noise levels in the protected area of buildings
- basic noise analysis
- Thermodiagnostics with ThermaCAM FLIR SC640
- thermodiagnostics of building envelope before and after additional insulation
- check the tightness of windows and exterior door joints
- diagnostics of thermal technical failures of building roofs
- diagnostics of excessive moisture in building structures
- location of floor heating failures
- thermal-technical assessments
- energy performance certificates for buildings
- energy expertise (eg New Green Savings)