The Faculty of Civil Engineering is represented in the following national and international organizations and companies:
- AECEF - The Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties
- AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning
- Czech Stone Cluster
- CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists
- ČAGI - Czech Association for Geoinformation
- Czech Concrete Society CSSI
- Czech Society of Urban Engineering
- Czech Tunneling Committee ITA / AITES
- ČKAIT - Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians in Construction
- CSSI - Czech Union of Civil Engineers
- ENHR - European Network for Housing Research
- IASS - International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
- ISRM - International Society for Rock Mechanics
- College for the Protection of Monuments
- MSDK - Moravian-Silesian Timber Cluster
- MSEK - Moravian-Silesian Energy Cluster
- National Noise Observatory of the Czech Republic
- SSBK - Association for Restoration of Concrete Structures
- STOP - Society for the protection of monuments
- Mining Union