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International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics


Symposium on Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Simulations in Statics and Dynamics of Structures


prof. Ing. Martin Krejsa, Ph.D, prof. Ing. Eva Kormaníková, Ph.D.  and 

Email: Email: martin.krejsa@vsb.cz(link sends e-mail)eva.kormanikova@tuke.sk(link sends e-mail) 


The main purpose of the Symposium “Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Simulations in Statics and Dynamics of Structures” is the presentation of new methods to analyze of safety and reliability of the structures under extreme loads as the earthquake and climatic loads (temperature, wind, snow, and others), terroristic attack (aircraft, missile, blast, fire and others) or technology accident (explosion, fire, high temperature, overpressure, impact load and others). The nonlinear material and geometric behavior of structures is necessary consider during extreme loads. The risk the structure collapse is determined by the model and resistance uncertainties. The deterministic and probabilistic analysis of the structure failure during the extreme loading can be used. The probabilistic assessment gives us the most complex analysis of the acceptable level of risk. Recently, the theories of probability and statistics and reliability have provided the bases for modern structural design codes and specifications.

The main objectives of the Mini-symposium are developing:
- The advanced methods and simulations of structure failure under extreme loads,
- The nonlinear material and geometric model of structures and the effective numerical methods,
- The advances in the soil-base-structure or soil-fluid-structure interaction analysis under seismic loads,
- The experimental tests and the fluid simulation of the blast or extreme wind impact on structures with various shape,
- The optimization of the new composite materials or structure shape to have the higher safety of the structure under impact of extreme loads,
- The simulation probabilistic methods and the stochastic finite elements to probabilistic analysis of the structure resistance due to extreme loads,
- The risk analysis of the structure failure using the fragility curves of the structural elements for various type of accident or extreme loads,
- The reliability-based optimization procedures to consider of the effects of uncertainty by means of reliability, the applications involving optimal structural design for stochastic linear and nonlinear statics and dynamics.
- The experience from the experimental tests, modelling and simulations of the structure failure under extreme loads using the deterministic or probabilistic assessment were welcome.