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Platnost příspěvku skončila 28. 6. 2023!

7th International Conference Non-Traditional Cement & Concrete

7th International Conference Non-Traditional Cement & Concrete
We know that today´s non traditional cements and concretes may become traditional tomorrow. It would be a wonderful thing if even this conference contributed its share towards this goal.

The sustainable development of the building industry as well as new applications require concretes of specific properties. These concretes prove useful in terms of laboratory testing, but difficulties arise in their practical application and in behaviour prediction as they diverge from common routines, norms and recommendations. The putting of non-traditional concretes into practice represents therefore an interdisciplinary problem. The conference will focus on the exchange of the experience of the research, preparation, testing and application of these materials.

The conference is organised by

  • Brno University of Technology – Faculties of Civil Engineering and Chemistry,
  • VSB–TUO: Technical University of Ostrava – Faculty of Civil Engineering,
  • Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.,

and it is supported by Czech Concrete Society (CBS). The conference is focused on both theoretical and practical problems in the field of non-traditional cements and concretes.



1. Geopolymers
2. Alkali-Activated Materials
3. Clinker-free concrete
4. Concrete with mineral and chemical admixtures
5. High Performance Concrete
6. Durability of non-traditional concrete
7. Sustainable development
8. Damage and fracture of non-traditional concrete
9. Quality control of non-traditional concrete
10. Construction from non-traditional concrete



September 30, 2022 Call for papers
February 19, 2023 Extended abstract deadline
February 28, 2023 Notification of acceptance
April 30, 2023 Submission of camera-ready papers
April 30, 2023 Registration and fee payment
June 25–28, 2023 Conference held in Brno


Contact address / WEB

Vlastimil Bilek
Faculty of Civil Engineering
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
708 30 Ostrava-Poruba
Czech Republic 
Tel: +420 602 744 586
E-mail: vlastimil.bilek@vsb.cz


Vloženo: 3. 1. 2023
Kategorie:  Aktuality
Zadal:  Administrátor
Útvar: 223 - Katedra stavebních hmot a diagnostiky staveb