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The Faculty of Civil Engineering is the second youngest faculty of VSB - TU Ostrava, but it continues the 166 - year - old tradition of teaching building disciplines at VSB. Its establishment on January 1, 1997 literally forced the construction industry of northern Moravia and Silesia, which needs about 200 civil engineers of various fields and specializations every year. The Faculty of Civil Engineering provides universal construction education, extended by issues specific to the Moravian-Silesian Region (constructions in undermined areas, smoothing out the consequences of mining and industrial activities, production and processing of building materials, transport, underground and geotechnical structures, etc.). The employment of graduates is versatile, for example as engineers of construction companies, designers, workers of construction offices and engineering organizations, etc. Many graduates will find employment in private business after appropriate practice and authorization.


Organizational structure

Contacts, maps

We are the Faculty of Civil Engineering!

A place where students turn into builders who are able to build beautiful buildings and engineering projects. A place where our experts create and test new technologies and transform the world. We'll teach you too!
