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The effect of technical and natural seismicity on structural reliability of buidings
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Grantová agentura ČR
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Research into problems of seismic load and the response ofbuildings to the effects of natural, technical and induced lseismicity is presently a subject of exceptional attention not only in relation to constructions located in areas with increased natural seismic activity, but mainly as a consequence of growing traffic volumes and building activity volumes, both above ground and underground, and also in relation to constructions exposed to the effects of technica1 and induced seismicity. Increased seismic activity detected in West Bohemia since the end of last century and the National application document Eurocode 8, according to which serious manifestations of natural seismic activity may also be expected in the Czech Republic, imply that this issue requires adequate attention. The magnitude oft his problem, among other things, results from the existence of an extensive dwelling stock of nulti-storey pre-cast panel buildings occupied presently by ca 1/3 of the total population, which wilI gradually komplete their planned servíce life in the coming decades. High sensitivity of the bearing structure of these buildings to the effects of induced deformation, strain and shocks increases the risk rate of the failure of the structural function of the bearing system exposed to long-term intensive seismic effects.
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