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Study programme Civil Engineering - Building and Industry Construction

About study programme

The master study programme Civil Engineering - Building and Industry Construction lasts 1.5 years. It is focused on designing and realization of building constructions (residential buildings, civic amenities buildings, industrial buildings and agricultural buildings). The graduate gains employment in the design organizations and in the construction of buildings. After obtaining the required experience, the graduate can get the authorization degree according to Act 360/1992 Coll. in the field of “Building Construction”.

Study curriculum

Faculty Faculty of Civil Engineering
Type of study Follow-up Master
Language of instruction English
Code of the programme N0732A260014
Title of the programme Civil Engineering - Building and Industry Construction
Regular period of the study 1,5 year
Coordinating department Department of Building Constructions
Coordinator doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D.
Key words residential buildings
civil amenities construction
building structures
industrial buildings
agricultural buildings