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Study programme Civil Engineering - Municipal Engineering

About study programme

The field of Urban Engineering hides the issue of decision-making about the placement of buildings and water supply, electricity, gas, drainage, etc. To solve these problems, it is necessary to know all technical and non-technical possibilities in the territory, composition and population needs and legislation. The field also deals with the environment and landscape. The view is focused not only on the surroundings of the buildings but also on the interiors where it is necessary to respect the regulations so that, for example, a mother with a baby in a stroller can freely move inside of building. This is a very diverse field where graduates gain very interesting jobs in the state and private sectors. Very often, they become heads of departments, project managers.
Faculty Faculty of Civil Engineering
Type of study Follow-up Master
Language of instruction English
Code of the programme N0732A260016
Title of the programme Civil Engineering - Municipal Engineering
Regular period of the study 1,5 year
Coordinating department Department of Urban Engineering
Coordinator doc. Ing. Vladislav Křivda, Ph.D.
Key words environment
public infrastructure
technical infrastructure
building law