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Study programme Civil Engineering - BIM Engineering

About study programme

The two-year Master's program emphasizes the coordination of construction processes within the BIM information environment and the digitization of construction.
A graduate of the BIM engineering Master's program will find employment especially in companies designing and realising constructions or in companies providing facility management and comprehensive real estate maintenance not only with implementing BIM method.
Graduates of this program can continue in the doctoral study program Civil Engineering, in the study profile focused on information modelling and construction management.
Faculty Faculty of Civil Engineering
Type of study Follow-up Master
Language of instruction English
Code of the programme N0732A260030
Title of the programme Civil Engineering - BIM Engineering
Regular period of the study 2 years
Coordinating department Department of Urban Engineering
Coordinator doc. Ing. Petr Konečný, Ph.D.
Key words Designing
facility management
BIM in Construction